

210 results for "新型冠状病毒肺炎"


Showing 201 – 210 of 210 results

Seafarers take centre stage at upcoming summit in Manila

Employers (IMEC), shipowners (ICS) and unions (ITF) unite to bring a seafarer summit in Manila on 26 June 2023 following the Day of the Seafarer. The summit aims to highlight the elements required for a successful transformation of seafarers’ roles to meet the needs of shipping in the future. The Philippines continue to show leadership in matters relating to seafarers as host country to one of the most relevant summits this year, focusing on the requirements for seafarers in 2050

2023年6月1日 新闻稿

 ICS welcomes Bangladesh ratification of the Hong Kong Convention

Bangladesh is one of the principal ship recyclers in the world and key to leading the way for safe and sustainable ship recycling practices by ratifying the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and 环境ally Sound Recycling of Ships (Hong Kong Convention). The Hong Kong Convention aims to ensure that ships when being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or the environment. Ship recycling will be of significant importance in meeting net zero emissions by 2050 as the existing fleet is decommissioned in coming years to be replaced by net zero vessels.

2023年6月13日 新闻稿

Friend-shoring supports ocean volumes

Demand for shipping is benefiting from a global trend in international relations where nations increase trade with allies, a shift known as friend-shoring.

15 September 2023 新闻

简礼达: Ryder on the storm

Under-Secretary-General for Policy at the United Nations, and former Director-General of the International Labour Organization, 简礼达, shares his thoughts on accelerating the SDGs, combating climate change, negotiating labour conflicts and sustainability in businesses.

2023年10月23日 Article

Arsenio Dominguez: Evolving IMO for future challenges

Incoming IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez speaks to ICS Leadership Insights about his vision for a more outwardly-facing industry and regulator – and how that can help steer shipping through a period of dramatic change.

2024年2月8日 Article

Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2020/2021

This edition has been withdrawn and replaced by the 2021/2022 edition. Brings together data on the performance of flag States against specific criteria, including Port State Control (PSC) records, ratification of international convention and IMO meeting attendance. It is intended to encourage shipowners to maintain a dialogue with their flag administrations, and help facilitate necessary improvements in the interests of safety, the environment and decent working conditions.

2021年1月 档案|免费

Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse On Board Ship, Sixth Edition

This sixth edition was withdrawn in April 2023 and replaced by the seventh edition. This publication provides guidance on how to combat drug trafficking at sea and to recognise the signs of drug use and dependence among crew members. Considered the leading industry publication on the topic, this 6th edition has been fully updated by industry experts to assist shipping companies, Masters and officers, to help prepare, 防止, protect and how to respond when faced with drug trafficking and drug abuse at sea.

2021年4月 存档