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Annual Review 2020 Chinese edition – 2020 年度报告 – 海上英雄

Chinese translation of the Annual Review 2020. 年度报告 - 海上英雄 《大发黄金版网页版》广泛地探讨了ICS在2020年和国际航运领域的工作,包括:应对新冠肺炎疫情对船舶运营的挑战和船员换班困境;航运业在零碳排放方面的努力;打击猖獗的西非海盗和处理持续的地中海移民危机;成功支持IMO 2020硫限量的实施和讨论修改IMO《大发黄金版网页版登录》;捍卫全球污染责任制度;以及推动对《大发黄金版网页版登录》中有关海员培训标准的基本审查。

September 2020 Annual Review | Free

Annual Review 2020

The Review explores, in depth, the significant issues faced by the industry in 2020, including: The impact of COVID-19 and the intensifying crew change crisis – COVID-19 related restrictions on travel and the ability to rotate crew, leaving 400,000 seafarers stranded at sea. Efforts to decarbonise shipping, including the ongoing negotiations at the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the radical industry proposal for a USD 5 billion fund to accelerate the R&D of zero-carbon technologies.

September 2020 Annual Review | Free
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